Topics And Notifications

This feature allows you to create Topics your users can subscribe to, in order for you to send Push Notifications and In App Messages only to those who have subscribed to a specific topic.

1. First, click on topics icon  in the “Add pages” part. This will appear:

topics page setting

Write your own description and click on  save.

2. Let’s add a Topics title by clicking on add. This appears:

topics title

Put your Topics name in the Title field and Topics description in the Description field then click in topics add image.

Choose your image that you would like to add from that it’s already saved in your device:

topics choose image

Then click on ok and the image that you select it will shown as the picture below:

topics add image2

Then Click on ok.

3. you can add a Sub Topics in the same way above and make many Sub Topics:
topics add sub topics

To make The Topics as a Sub Topics left click on Double rawthen drag and drop to the right way:

topics create sub topics drag drop

The result will appear in the App:

Topics in App

4. Now Let us test the Topics Feature with Push Notifications Feature if you didn’t add it Click hereto learn how to add it.

Go to your Push Notification Feature that you already add it and click on addthat appear in add content field:

Push Notifications add content

Then put your title and message that you would like to send it to your clients:

Push Notifications title and message

Then Click on forward row to go to the next step to specify the send option with no specific locations or with specific locations, we will choose no specific locations to be more easier for you:

Push Notifications send options

Then click on forward row.

To send the message to the users that whow using a Topics feature in your App, you have to choose the option of “Send to spicific topics” that’s apear in:

Push Notifications send to specific topics

And choose the main topics and sub topics that you would you like to send a message through them then click on forward row

Now you can send your message now or on a specific date that you will setup it, here we will choose to send it NOW to be more easier to you.

Push Notifications send options2

Then click on ok to send your message and the result will appear:

Push Notifications message send status

The Status that refer to Queued it mean the message in the way, so if the client open the topics options that you already choose to send message through them the Status will change to Deliverd:

Push Notifications message send status delivered
